BRICS Literature Forum 2024

BRICS Literature Forum 2024: Bridging Cultures Through the Written Word

The BRICS Literature Forum 2024, a landmark event in the literary calendar, commenced on September 11, 2024, in the historic city of Kazan, Russia. This prestigious gathering brought together literary luminaries from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, showcasing the rich tapestry of cultures that make up the BRICS nations. The forum's significance lies not just in its celebration of literature, but in its role as a cultural bridge, fostering understanding and cooperation among these diverse nations.

BRICS Literature Forum 2024

Opening Ceremony and Theme

The event was inaugurated by Kazan's Mayor, Mr. Ilsur Metshin, setting the stage for a week of intellectual discourse and cultural exchange. This year's theme, "World literature in the new reality: Dialogue of traditions, national values, and cultures," resonates deeply in our increasingly interconnected yet often divided world. It underscores the power of literature to transcend borders, challenge perspectives, and unite people across diverse cultural landscapes.

Indian Delegation: A Strong Presence

India's literary heritage was prominently represented by two distinguished figures:

  1. Sri Madhav Kaushik, President of Sahitya Akademi
  2. Dr. K. Sreenivasarao, Secretary of Sahitya Akademi

Their participation not only showcased India's rich literary traditions but also provided a platform for meaningful dialogue with counterparts from other BRICS nations.

Key Sessions and Discussions

Plenary Session: Literature as a Unifying Force

In a thought-provoking plenary session, Sri Madhav Kaushik eloquently expounded on literature's role as a catalyst for unity. He emphasized how the written word serves as a bridge in our globalized world, fostering empathy and understanding across cultural divides. Kaushik's speech highlighted the transformative power of storytelling in shaping societal perceptions and promoting cross-cultural dialogue.

"Volga to Ganga: Celebration of Tradition and Multiculturalism"

A standout event was the panel discussion titled "Volga to Ganga: Celebration of Tradition and Multiculturalism." Moderated by Evgeniy Abdullaev, this session featured insightful contributions from the Indian delegates:

  • Dr. K. Sreenivasarao drew fascinating parallels between the river-centric cultures of the Ganga and Volga. He explored how these waterways have shaped not just geography, but the very essence of multiculturalism in their respective regions.
  • Sri Madhav Kaushik delved into the cultural richness embedded in both Indian and Russian traditional literature. His comparative analysis highlighted the universal themes that resonate across these seemingly disparate literary traditions.

The Power of Multiculturalism in Literature

A recurring theme throughout the forum was the importance of multiculturalism in literature. Speakers emphasized how the coexistence and celebration of various cultural groups within literary works can:

  1. Foster unity and social cohesion
  2. Encourage progressive thinking and social reform
  3. Promote empathy and understanding of different perspectives
  4. Preserve and showcase diverse cultural heritage

The discussions underscored literature's unique ability to transcend geographical and cultural boundaries, serving as a powerful tool for dialogue and mutual understanding.

BRICS Literature Forum: A Brief History and Impact

Established in 2016, the BRICS Literature Forum has become a cornerstone event for literary exchange among the member nations. Its objectives and achievements include:

  • Promoting translation projects to make literature accessible across BRICS languages
  • Organizing annual events to discuss contemporary literary trends and social issues
  • Supporting emerging writers through workshops, mentorship programs, and competitions
  • Strengthening cultural ties between BRICS nations through literary collaborations
  • Enhancing the global visibility and appreciation of literature from BRICS countries

Looking Ahead: The Future of BRICS Literature

As the forum continues, participants are exploring ways to leverage technology and digital platforms to expand the reach of BRICS literature. Discussions are underway about creating a digital library of translated works, virtual writing residencies, and online literary festivals to engage a wider global audience.


The BRICS Literature Forum 2024 stands as a testament to the enduring power of literature to unite, inspire, and transform. As these five nations continue to play pivotal roles on the global stage, their literary voices offer a unique window into their cultures, aspirations, and shared humanity. Through events like this, the world of literature continues to evolve, embracing diversity and fostering a truly global literary community.

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